New £1.00 coin is on its way - be aware!


31 Oct

£1 coint

As previously reported in our article 'Introduction of the new £1 coin - March 2017 - Industry Readiness Survey' - a new £1.00 12 sided bimetallic coin is planned to be introduced in March 2017.

The Government is encouraging industry to prepare for this and a Treasury website dedicated to such preparation and with further detail can be found here:

All machines which accept ash for example will need updating and it is intended that after a 6 month transition period, the existing £1.00 coin will be phased out.

The new 12-sided £1 coin’s dimensions are different from the current round £1 coin:

  • Thickness: 2.8mm it is thinner than the round £1 coin.
  • Weight: 8.75g it is lighter than the round £1 coin.

Diameter: 23.43mm  it is slightly larger than the round £1 coin; the maximum diameter (point to point) is 23.43mm.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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